WMAIA 2021 Design Awards WINNER

WMAIA 2022 Design Award Winner

Congratulations to JWA’s Design Associate Molly Clark who was selected as one of two recipients of the 2021 WMAIA/AIA National Student Scholarship Award! Currently pursuing a masters degree in Architecture at UMass, Molly was selected for the award and monetary prize based on her design of an Energy Transition Initiative Building located at UMass near the Studio Arts Building. Molly’s design rose to the top of a record number of applicants with her compelling design, clear graphics and great use of 3-D imagery, diagrams and plans. A really well thought out project from the energy initiatives to the balanced equity of space and functionality.

We are proud of Molly's accomplishments, and grateful to have her in the office, where she contributes so much to JWA's award winning work. Molly has been with JWA since attending the undergrad program at UMass and has grown into an accomplished designer, and is well on her way to pursuing licensure while still at graduate school. Well done and congratulations!