Springfield Prep Construction Site Visit

“As he walked through the construction site that will soon be Springfield Prep Charter School, sixth-grader Maurice Elliott thought about what he is looking forward to the most when the project is complete.

“The classrooms and having more space and new stuff of our own,” he said.

Maurice joined other students, teachers and administrators Wednesday on a tour of the former office building in East Springfield. The renovation project will cost $20.4 million and will result in a 51,000-square-foot school on four acres. Springfield Prep, which has operated in temporary spaces since it opened in 2015, expects to move into its new campus in time to start the next school year.”

So begins the first news coverage of the construction of JWA designed Springfield Prep, a project our team has been working on for the last year. We share the Springfield Republican and the school community’s excitement. Work continues on site, under the outstanding project management of Fontaine Brothers, Inc. Completion is scheduled for August, 2021. We hope to see the maskless smiles of the school’s first students this Fall.


Dorrie Brooks